


SKU: WC21-WK707 Category: Tags: ,


707: Toxic Addictive Love: How to Help Those in the Cycle

Janie Lacy, Psy.D.
Life Counseling Solutions
670 N. Orlando Ave., Ste. 103
Maitland, FL 32751

This workshop is designed for mental health practitioners and others to address the painful and addictive love process in clients. This love addiction negatively impacts clients but also the individuals with whom they are in a relationship. Topics include what happens in the brain that makes it hard to break the cycle, highlights of cultural factors, and attachment patterns that lead to craving the perfect partner. Suggestions are made for how professionals can begin to help clients build healthy relationship dynamics.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:
• Describe the unhealthy addictive cycle in a couple
• Identify the roots/origins of addictive love
• Explain what asserting healthy relationship dynamics looks like in practical and everyday ways with a couple in a licensed mental health professional’s therapy

Additional information

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