


SKU: WC21-WK518 Category: Tags: ,


518: Flourishing Leaders: Scientific Research on Wellness and Applied Positive Psychology for Burden Bearers

Chris Adams, Ph.D.
Center for Vocational Ministry
Azusa Pacific University
901 E. Alosta Ave.
Azusa, CA 91702

We are created to flourish in life and ministry leadership. Pastors and ministry leaders are called to a joyful and fulfilling vocation. They also experience unique and often hidden role complexities and stresses that can diminish their sense of well-being. Based on a decade of cutting-edge, scientific research with more than 15,000 pastors, the Flourishing in Ministry model highlights the four key dimensions of well-being for pastors. The Flourishing in Ministry model also provides a meaningful structure for pastors’ holistic, spiritual formation, including the emotional and social competencies necessary to prevent burnout, promote well-being, and sustain healthy ministry leadership. Pastors, ministry leaders, and other helping professionals will benefit from the clarity provided by this innovative model, which integrates the most up-to-date, applied positive psychology with a deep understanding of Christian leadership formation.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:
• Identify the four, research-based, interrelated dimensions of Flourishing in Ministry—Daily Well-being, Resilience, Thriving, and Authenticity
• Describe the best practices for psychologists and licensed mental health professionals in each of the four dimensions that prevent burnout and promote flourishing in ministry leaders
• Summarize the “on stage, backstage, and off stage” types of relationships that all pastors need to flourish in ministry

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