


SKU: WC21-WK514 Category: Tags: ,


514: Emotional Safety: The Core Pathway for Developing Spiritual Oneness and Creating Lasting Intimacy

Alex Avila, M.A.
Relationship Institute of the Rockies
9220 Teddy Lane Ste. 1400
Lone Tree, CO

Particularly during conflict, many couples struggle to understand and relate to each other because of threats to their sense of emotional safety. An absence of deeper emotional awareness and expression in the couple relationship delays connection and decreases trust. Frustrations over repeating negative cycles and mutual fearfulness paralyze couples from experiencing individual security and a stable connection. This presentation introduces insights and methods to help counselors and pastors approach these complex, delicate moments and help couples assess and grow their sense of emotional safety. Attendees will be able to help their clients build awareness of individual emotions and needs while increasing sensitivity and caring behaviors for their partner’s emotions and needs.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:
• Identify the nuances of emotional safety and describe this construct to individual and couple clients as they attend to themselves and attune to their partners
• Teach communication principles to help clients slow down, disrupt old cycles, practice caring behaviors and remain engaged in moments of conflict
• Explore and discuss strategies to help clients identify safety threats and adaptive responses and provide and request emotional presence to promote intimacy

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