


SKU: WC21-WK504 Category: Tags: ,


504: The God Factor: Dynamic Spirituality and Mental Health

Ron Hawkins, D.Min., Ed.D.
P.O. Box 739
Forest, VA 24551

In their classic Handbook of Psychotherapy and Religious Diversity, P. Scott Richards and Allen E. Bergin state, “Growing empirical evidence indicates that spirituality and religious commitment tend to be associated with many indicators of physical and mental health and positive social conduct.” This workshop will explore how Christian counselors may construct a collaborative approach to working with clients that meets both their spiritual and mental health needs.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:
• Identify elements in a healthy religious and spiritual life
• Explore ways of helping clients develop greater insight into their relationship between their mental health and faith commitments/spiritual lives
• Describe a paradigm that may be utilized to guide discussion with faith-based clients focused on the development of greater insight into the interrelatedness of mental health and dynamic spirituality

Additional information

Media Type

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