


SKU: WC21-WK423 Category: Tags: ,


423: Preparing Healthy Leaders for a Toxic World

Norm Mintle, Ph.D.
PureMedia Group, Inc.
Forest, VA 24551

2020, a year unlike any other, provided us with myriad examples of leaders rising to and failing at the challenges they faced. Do healthy leaders exist? If so, where are they, and why don’t we hear more about them? This session explores how healthy leaders think about leadership, how they behave, and how they build a successful enterprise uniquely equipped for the 21st century. We will focus our attention on how to create a Spirit-infused organization in which employees, stakeholders, and customers are cherished, valued, and become highly productive and functioning.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:
• Analyze current examples of successful and failing leaders in government, religion, and psychology
• Outline and critique reasons for failed leadership—narcissism, chronic lying, imposter syndrome—and successful leaders’ behaviors—disrupters, delegators, communicators, and lifelong learners
• Apply constructs of godly “ever-flow” to create a successful leadership paradigm

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