


SKU: WC21-WK401 Category: Tags: ,


401: Trauma Healing and Interventions: Spiritual and Lifestyle Strategies and Competencies

JenniferCisneyEllers, M.A.
Institute for Compassionate Care
60 B. West Terra Cotta Ave., #293
Crystal Lake, IL 60014

The Salvation Army
10 West Algonquin Rd.
Des Plaines, IL 60016

As we see the increasing impact of trauma in the general population, mental health providers and other caregivers are becoming more aware of the role traumatic experiences play in a host of mental health, relational, and spiritual issues. Therefore, it is critical that all caregivers, churches, and other institutions become both trauma-informed and trauma-responsive. This means receiving education about trauma and implementing programs and strategies that will support an environment of healing. This workshop will review several evidence-based interventions that can supplement solid clinical therapy or provide important ongoing care for those recovering from PTSD, acute stress, or the long-term effects of traumatic events.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:
• Interpret research findings on health, nutrition, and fitness that can impair or enhance trauma recovery
• Identify how experiences with nature and animals can support trauma healing and strategies for incorporating those into treatment and support
• Discuss specific tools for healing trauma such as lay-led healing groups, retreats, and other strategies that churches can implement, clinical practices with licensed mental health professionals or by clients with their families and friends

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