Client Self Care Behaviors: Nutrition, Mental Health and Advanced Clinical Skills (With CE’s) Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Client Self Care Behaviors: Nutrition, Mental Health and Advanced Clinical Skills (With CE’s) Tuesday, January 11, 2022


Client Self Care Behaviors: Nutrition, Mental Health and Advanced Clinical Skills 

Tuesday, January 11, 2022 

6:00 – 8:00 PM ET 


Webinar Presenter 

Rhona Epstein, Psy.D., is a licensed psychologist, addictions counselor, and marriage and family therapist in the Philadelphia area. She is the author of Food Triggers: End Your Cravings, Eat Well, and Live Better (Worthy Publishing) and Satisfied: A 90-Day Journey Toward Food Freedom (Dexterity Publishing). For more than 30 years, Rhona has led seminars, conferences, and therapeutic workshops to help people overcome food addiction and its underlying issues. She received her doctorate in clinical psychology from Chestnut Hill College, and her master’s degree in counseling psychology from Temple University. Rhona is passionate, from her personal experience and recovery from food addiction, to address the needs of the whole person (mind, body, and spirit).


It has been long established that mental health and physical health are connected, especially when it comes to how and what clients eat. Many clients know eating better would promote better well-being but are stuck in endless unhealthy battles with food, health, and weight. A client’s relationship to food can be positively affected by the mental health professional’s ability to teach how to integrate healthy eating practices to support overall mental health and wellness. This webinar will help the mental health professional understand food and brain science, how food affects mood, and the psychological issues behind disordered eating. Mental Health professionals will also learn techniques to help their clients create healthy habits and routines, discontinue binge eating and restrictive eating habits, and ways to combat social and family pressure. The participant will learn how to develop a treatment plan for helping the client identify the most common mistakes or pitfalls in their relationship to food, how to overcome them, and how to develop a mindset that will lead to sustainability with desired healthy habits. 


Learning Objectives 

Participants will: 

  1. Discuss relevant research on food and brain science, how food affects mood, and the psychological issues behind disordered eating that can be explained to clients 
  2. Evaluate techniques to help clients create healthy habits and routines, discontinue binge or restrictive eating habits, and to combat social and family pressure. 
  3. Develop a treatment plan to help clients identify common mistakes with their relationship to food, how to make sustainable changes, and create a mindset that will lead to healthy eating habits. 


Continuing Education 

Approved for 2.0 APA, 2.0 ASWB, and 2.0 IBCC CE Credits 

Webinars MUST be watched LIVE to receive CE Credit 


The American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC) offers some psychologists, therapists, counselors, social workers, and play therapists Continuing Education (CE) credit due for good standing with certain states and a limited number of professional organizations. It remains the responsibility of each participant to be aware of state licensure and CE requirements. Participants should check their state and/or local regulations regarding required Continuing Education hours. For more information on Light University Continuing Education programs, please visit