May 2020


Sin, Racial Bias, and Ahmaud Arbery

Sin, Racial Bias, and Ahmaud Arbery by Mark Crear, Ph.D.  What does sin look like? Even in the midst of a nationwide pandemic, you cannot run from the violent aggressiveness, profiling, and, ultimately, tragic and senseless deaths that haunt our nation. Specifically, I am speaking of the senseless death of Ahmaud Arbery. It was stated, “He (Ahmaud […]

By AACC, 4 years ago

The Answer to COVID Stress is not in the Fridge!

The Answer to COVID Stress is not in the Fridge! by Rhona Epstein, Psy.D., C.A.C. Social media sites are flooded these days with jokes about eating and weight gain during this difficult season.  Countless memes joke about joining AA or Weight Watchers at the end of quarantine, there are pictures of obese Barbie dolls labelled […]

By AACC, 4 years ago

Why is There a Need for Post-Abortive Counseling?

Why is There a Need for Post-Abortive Counseling? by Save the Storks In recent years, one of the loudest pro-choice narratives has been that “women do not regret their abortions.” We see movements such as “shout your abortion” where women are encouraged to brag about their abortions and how they don’t feel remorse. Celebrities like Alyssa […]

By AACC, 4 years ago